Stucchi's menù, Ann Arbor
Stucchi's Ann Arbor - Menu
Super Premium Ice Cream
Almond Joy
Lighty seasoned with onions
Banana PB Fudge
Lighty seasoned with onions
Banana Walnut Fudge
Lighty seasoned with onions
Batters Up
Lighty seasoned with onions
Black Cherry
Lighty seasoned with onions
Black Forest
Lighty seasoned with onions
Blueberry Chzcake
Lighty seasoned with onions
Buffalo Chip
Lighty seasoned with onions
Butter Pecan
Lighty seasoned with onions
Caramel Apple
Lighty seasoned with onions
Caramel Fudge Almond
Lighty seasoned with onions
Caramel Malted
Lighty seasoned with onions
Caramel Toffee
Lighty seasoned with onions
Chai Tea
Lighty seasoned with onions
Lighty seasoned with onions
Chocolate Chzcake
Lighty seasoned with onions
Choc Walnut Chip
Lighty seasoned with onions
Chocolate Sunflower
Lighty seasoned with onions
Lighty seasoned with onions
Lighty seasoned with onions
Lighty seasoned with onions
Coffee Fudge
Lighty seasoned with onions
Coffee Liqueur N Ckies
Lighty seasoned with onions
Coffee N' Ckies
Lighty seasoned with onions
Coffee Toffee
Lighty seasoned with onions
Cookie Dough
Lighty seasoned with onions
Cookies N' Cream
Lighty seasoned with onions
French Silk
Lighty seasoned with onions
French Vanilla
Lighty seasoned with onions
Fudge Brownie
Lighty seasoned with onions
Fudgie Way
Lighty seasoned with onions
Grasshopper Pie
Lighty seasoned with onions
Green Tea
Lighty seasoned with onions
Hazelnut Espresso
Lighty seasoned with onions
Irish Coffee N' Cookies
Lighty seasoned with onions
Kesar Pista
Lighty seasoned with onions
Lemon Meringue
Lighty seasoned with onions
Mackinac Island Fudge
Lighty seasoned with onions
Malt Barley
Lighty seasoned with onions
Lighty seasoned with onions
Maple Nut
Lighty seasoned with onions
Mint Brownie Fudge
Lighty seasoned with onions
Mint Chip
Lighty seasoned with onions
Mocha Almond Fudge
Lighty seasoned with onions
Muddy Waters
Lighty seasoned with onions
Nuttin But Choc
Lighty seasoned with onions
Oatmeal Cookie
Lighty seasoned with onions
PB Chip
Lighty seasoned with onions
PB Fudge
Lighty seasoned with onions
PB N' Cookies
Lighty seasoned with onions
PB Silk
Lighty seasoned with onions
PB Truffle Shuffle
Lighty seasoned with onions
Lighty seasoned with onions
Lighty seasoned with onions
Pralines N' Cream
Lighty seasoned with onions
Lighty seasoned with onions
Raspberry Chzcake
Lighty seasoned with onions
Rocky Road
Lighty seasoned with onions
Lighty seasoned with onions
Lighty seasoned with onions
Strawberry Chzcake
Lighty seasoned with onions
Lighty seasoned with onions
Swiss Choc Almond
Lighty seasoned with onions
Texas Tea
Lighty seasoned with onions
Truffle' Latte
Lighty seasoned with onions
Vanilla Bean
Lighty seasoned with onions
Vanilla Choc Chip
Lighty seasoned with onions
Vanilla Supreme
Lighty seasoned with onions
Van Swiss Almond
Lighty seasoned with onions
White Russian Fudge
Lighty seasoned with onions
Gourmet Frozen Yogurt
Almond Joy
Lighty seasoned with onions
Apple Crisp
Lighty seasoned with onions
Banana Chip
Lighty seasoned with onions
Banana Nut Fudge
Lighty seasoned with onions
Banana Walnut
Lighty seasoned with onions
Black Cherry
Lighty seasoned with onions
Blueberry Chzcake
Lighty seasoned with onions
Butter Pecan
Lighty seasoned with onions
Lighty seasoned with onions
Caramel Almond Fudge
Lighty seasoned with onions
Caramel Praline Pecan
Lighty seasoned with onions
Choc Cookie Dough
Lighty seasoned with onions
Choc. Cookie N Yogurt
Lighty seasoned with onions
Choc. Choc. Chip
Lighty seasoned with onions
Chocolate Chzcake
Lighty seasoned with onions
Choc Mint Cookie
Lighty seasoned with onions
Choc PB Swirl
Lighty seasoned with onions
Cinn Crumb Cake
Lighty seasoned with onions
Coconut Crunch
Lighty seasoned with onions
Coffee Cake
Lighty seasoned with onions
Coffee N Cookies
Lighty seasoned with onions
Coffee Toffee
Lighty seasoned with onions
Cookie Dough
Lighty seasoned with onions
Cookies N' Yogurt
Lighty seasoned with onions
Cream De Mint Chip
Lighty seasoned with onions
Espresso Bean
Lighty seasoned with onions
Lighty seasoned with onions
Johnny Cashew
Lighty seasoned with onions
Key Lime Pie
Lighty seasoned with onions
Maple Nut
Lighty seasoned with onions
Mocha Chip
Lighty seasoned with onions
Peanut Butter Chip
Lighty seasoned with onions
Pecan Chzcake
Lighty seasoned with onions
Peppermint Stick
Lighty seasoned with onions
Lighty seasoned with onions
Lighty seasoned with onions
Raspberry Chzcake
Lighty seasoned with onions
Raspberry Choc
Lighty seasoned with onions
Rudy T-Ruffle
Lighty seasoned with onions
Lighty seasoned with onions
Straw. Banana Crunch
Lighty seasoned with onions
Strawberry Chzcake
Lighty seasoned with onions
Swiss Choc Almond
Lighty seasoned with onions
Tin Roof Sundae
Lighty seasoned with onions
Toffee Crunch
Lighty seasoned with onions
Lighty seasoned with onions
Vanilla Choc Chip
Lighty seasoned with onions
Vanilla Choc Swirl
Lighty seasoned with onions
Vanilla PB Swirl
Lighty seasoned with onions
White Choc. Biscotti
Lighty seasoned with onions
Sorbet & Sherbet
Chocolate Sorbet
Lighty seasoned with onions
Raspberry Sorbet
Lighty seasoned with onions
Lime Sherbet
Lighty seasoned with onions
Lemon Sorbet
Lighty seasoned with onions
Very Berry Sorbet
Lighty seasoned with onions
Orange Sherbet
Lighty seasoned with onions
Mich Cherry Sorbet
Lighty seasoned with onions
Lemon Sherbet
Lighty seasoned with onions
Raspberry Sherbet
Lighty seasoned with onions