Supercharge! Juice Bar & Urban Farm menù, Madison
Supercharge! Juice Bar & Urban Farm Madison - Menu
Marquette Juice
Kale, spinach, cucumber, lemon, green apple, lime, sun flower micros, celery, ginger and parsley.
10 $
Tenney Juice
Orange, carrot, pineapple, lemon, ginger and turmeric.
10 $
Emerson Juice
Blueberry, red cabbage, celery, green apple, lemon and apple cider vinegar.
10 $
Green Triangle Juice
Sunflower, micro greens, pea shoots, wheat grass, celery, cucumber, lime and ginger.
10 $
Atwood Smoothie
Pineapple, orange, banana, strawberry, micro-sunflower and almond milk.
9 $
Eken Smoothie
Blueberry, blackberry, aronia berry, spinach, micro-sunflower, apple juice and maple syrup.
9 $
Worthington Smoothie
Kale, spinach, banana, micro-sunflower, pineapple, orange, parsley, ginger and apple juice.
9 $
Capital Smoothie
Cold press coffee, aronia, blueberry, banana, hemp hearts, cinnamon, maple syrup, peanut butter and almond milk.
9 $
12 oz. Chia Pudding Smoothie
Only in small size. Choose guava, cinnamon, rose or caramel. Comes with almond milk and honey.
6.5 $
4 oz. Super Charge Super Shot
Wheatgrass, sunflower and pea shoot, micro greens, ginger and cold press coffee.
5 $
3 oz. Mendota Shot
Lemon, maple syrup, vortex water and cayenne.
4 $
3 oz. Monona Shot
Wheatgrass and cold press coffee.
4 $
3 oz. Waubesa Shot
Ginger, turmeric and grapefruit.
4 $
1 oz. Wheatgrass Shot
2.5 $
1 oz. Ginger Shot
4 $
Tesseract Shot
Wheatgrass, cilantro and basil.
4 $
Choose green dragon, matte latt or canna oxidant.
8 $
Super Charge Food
Microgreens salad
Sunflower, pea shoots, radish microgreens, organic red canbage, organic tomatoes, organic carrots, organic red onions, organic bell peppers, mustard and kohlrabi microgreens Honey mustard Vinegrette dressing.
6 $
SunRise Spring Roll
Sunflower and spicy microgreens organic cucumber, organic red cabbage, organic carrots,organic golden beet,rice wrap. Sauce-toasted sesame coconut Vinegrette
6 $
Raw Veggie Crudite
Cucumber, carrot, celery, sunflower microgreens Pate: sunflower seeds,lemon juice, water, dill,raw tahini,olive oil,garlic, salt ALL ORGANIC INGREDIENTS
7 $
Super Charge Micro Greens
Pea Shoot Super Charge Micro Greens
15 $
Sunny and Pea Shoot Super Charge Micro Greens Combo
15 $
Sunflower Super Charge Microgreens
15 $